Bringing Families Together, One Delicious Recipe at a Time

Spoon Donuts

Total Time: 2 hrs 10 mins Difficulty: Beginner

Spoon donuts are made by using a spoon to shape the dough into doughnuts and frying them in oil. They are fluffy and soft on the inside, with a crispy outer crust. This type of doughnut is quick and easy to prepare, making it a popular choice for breakfast or sweet snacks.

Spoon Donuts

Gogoși cu lingura prăjite, presărate cu zahăr pudră, servite pe o farfurie.
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Prep Time 30 mins Cook Time 40 mins Rest Time 1 hr Total Time 2 hrs 10 mins
Difficulty: Beginner Cooking Temp: 170  C Calories: 196


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  1. Preparation method
    1. Place the milk in a pot and heat it over low heat (do not let it reach the boiling point). Add the yeast to the milk and mix with a hand mixer until incorporated.

    2. In a large bowl, combine the flour, soft butter, sugar, eggs, salt, vanilla essence, lemon essence, and the milk with the yeast. Mix until you obtain a smooth dough. Cover the dough with plastic wrap and let it rise for about 1 hour, or until it doubles in volume.

    3. Heat the oil in a deep pan or pot over medium heat. Using a spoon, take portions of the dough, shape them into doughnuts, and carefully place them in the hot oil. Fry the doughnuts on both sides until they are golden and puffed up. Remove them onto a paper towel to absorb excess oil. Serve with melted chocolate or jam, if desired.

Nutrition Facts

Amount Per Serving
Calories 196kcal
% Daily Value *
Total Carbohydrate 32g11%
Protein 5g10%

* Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie diet. Your daily value may be higher or lower depending on your calorie needs.

Keywords: dairy


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