Bringing Families Together, One Delicious Recipe at a Time

Plum tart

Plum Tart is a delicious dessert with a crispy crust enriched with ground walnuts, perfectly complementing the sweetness of ripe plums. It’s an easy-to-make recipe and can be served either warm or cold.

Plum tart

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Prep Time 20 mins Cook Time 35 mins Rest Time 15 mins Total Time 1 hr 10 mins
Difficulty: Beginner Cooking Temp: 200  °C


Cooking Mode Disabled


  1. Preparation method
    1. Preheat the oven to 200°C. Grease a tart pan (28 cm) with butter and flour.
    2. Place the walnuts in a bowl and chop them for 20 seconds/speed 5. Add all the other ingredients, except the plums, and knead for 1 minute and 30 seconds/Dough setting.
    3. Place the dough in the prepared pan and spread it evenly. Add the plums on top of the dough and bake for approximately 35 minutes at 200°C or until it is golden brown and passes the toothpick test.


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Salutăm cu drag toți cei care trec pragul blogului nostru, unde familia noastră, compusă din mine, Ramona, soțul meu Alex, și cei doi copii ai noștri, Rares și Rita, împărtășește pasiunea pentru gastronomie și momentele frumoase petrecute la masă împreună. 

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